• 955 Centre Rd, Bentleigh East

    8am to 8pm - 7 Days

Implant retained dentures in East Bentleigh Resolving Dental Issues For Over 50 Years!

Located in East Bentleigh and looking implant retained dentures?

We have helped many patients to enjoy the benefits of stable dentures through treatment with implant retained dentures. Between two and four implants can be used to anchor dentures in your mouth.

The implants peep out of your gums a tiny bit and the denture then clips onto these to secure itself into position. Your dentures can be removed at night when you sleep and when you wish to clean them.

  • Easy To Keep Clean

  • No More Sticky Denture Adhesive

  • Improved Comfort When Wearing Dentures

  • Eat All The Foods You Really Like

  • 8am to 8pm - 7 Days

    Extended hours for dental emergencies and general dental appointments

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Enjoy permanent secured dentures with our implant retained denture procedure

Melbourne Emergency Dental Services

Loose dentures can leave you feeling frustrated, restricted and lacking in confidence. At eDentist we can use dental implants to secure your dentures for a full set of natural-looking teeth.

Implant-retained dentures will feel much more natural in your mouth than dentures alone. That’s because the implants connect your dentures to your jaw bone in much the same way your teeth used to be connected to your jaw bone.  You will notice that food tastes better as your upper teeth will no longer cover the roof of your mouth. Your bite, chew and ability to speak clearly will also be more natural.

An implant-supported denture is a type of over denture that is supported by and attached to implants. A regular denture rests on the gums and is not supported by implants. An implant-supported denture is used when a person doesn’t have any teeth in the jaw, but has enough bone in the jaw to support implants.   This cost-effective solution works by fixing your dentures onto 2 lower-jaw implants and 4 upper-jaw implants. It can also be used for partial dentures.

There are also great benefits for your dental health. Dental implants integrate with your jawbone to keep it strong and healthy while slowing down bones loss.

Contact us today to discuss our implant retained denture procedure!

Resolving 1400 Melbourne dental emergencies per year with gentle hands for the last 50 years. Emergency Dental Services in Melbourne

eDentist dental clinic, provide 7 Days emergency dental services for both adults and children. Our dentists are available to erase tooth and gum pain and help you get back in action. Dental emergencies don’t always happen at convenient times. Let us help resolve your horrible toothache, you usually wouldn’t be able to do anything about but take painkillers! Now with eDentist Emergency Dental services in Bentleigh East, you can get the problem diagnosed and treated fast.

emergency dental bentleigh

Emergency Dental

No more dental pain on weekends, evenings and holidays, with emergency dental treatments provided in Elwood

general densitry in bentleigh

General Dental

We offer a wide range of general Dental Treatments, such as teeth whitening, cosmetic injectables, fillings & restorations at our clinic at 163 Ormond Road, Elwood.

teeth whitening services bentleigh

Teeth Whitening

Get the bright white smile you deserve. Our teeth whitening is one of our popular cosmetic dental procedures and can fit almost any budget, as the results are quick.

veneers dentistry

Veneers & Cosmetic Dental

Veneers are thin layers of material that cover the front of the teeth and are designed to improve their appearance. Veneers can be made either of porcelain (ceramic) or composite resin (of plastic and glass).

invisalign dentist

Invisalign - Clear Teeth Straighteners

Invisalign treatment is the clear alternative to metal braces for kids, teens, and adults. See how Invisalign clear aligners can help treat a variety of orthodontic problems including overbites, underbites, crossbites & crowded teeth.

wisdom tooth extractions bentleigh

Wisdom Teeth Removals

General tooth extractions & wisdom teeth removals to correct a problem or to prevent problems that may come up in the future. An impacted wisdom tooth or one that comes through at the wrong angle can be painful and cause infections, crowding or other dental problems if it's not treated.

root canal dentist

Root Canal

When tooth decay or damage is so severe that a filling is not possible, a root canal can be the best option. It is a procedure in which we will clean out the interior of the affected tooth and restore its strength with a crown or filling.

dental implants bentleigh

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a substitute for the root of a missing tooth. Implants are used to replace single teeth by placing a porcelain crown on top.

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Whats is the process for an implanted retained deture procedure?

Same Day Dental Appointments Available

Your Initial Consultation

You can contact us by phone, email, or in person at one of our clinics to arrange your free consultation. We will discuss the problems you currently have, then carry out an examination of your mouth followed by a three dimensional CT scan.

3D Scan to Assess Suitability

Bone is the foundation for a dental implant and it is essential to determine whether adequate bone is available for your treatment. To do this we take a high tech three dimensional CT scan of your mouth. This allows us to accurately determine the amount and quality of the bone available for implant placement. It also helps us to plan the treatment and decide where to place our implants. The technology we have available allows us to take a scan of only a small section of the mouth, or the whole mouth as required by the number of teeth which need to be replaced.

Treatment Plan Devised

Using the information from your examination and CT scan we will provide you with a treatment plan which details the items of treatment required and gives you the exact costs of this treatment. In cases where there is more than one option available you will receive a treatment plan for each option.

All Costs Discussed Up Front

We understand that when people decide to have dental treatment they are making a significant investment. We aim to be as accurate as possible with the cost of treatment from the very outset. You will receive a full estimate of costs at your implant consultation.

The Treatment

When you have decided which treatment option is best for you we will arrange an appointment to place your implants. On the day of your implant placement, your gums will be numbed, so that the procedure is completely painless. Some people may wish to have the treatment carried out under sedation which makes you feel very relaxed and removes any anxiety. Afterwards, it is advisable to take some normal painkillers such as Paracetamol or Ibuprofen for a day or two.


We review patients two weeks after implant placement to make sure that the area has healed up properly, and to check that the area is being cleaned properly.

Treatment Times

After the implants are placed we must wait 3 months for them to bond with your jaw bone. During this time you will be wearing your own denture or a temporary denture we have made for you. After 3 months we begin to make your new implant denture which usually takes four visits. The total average treatment time for implant retained dentures is 5 months.


Bar-retained vs ball-retained dentures

There are two types of implant-supported dentures: bar-retained and ball-retained. In both cases, the denture will be made of an acrylic base that will look like gums. Porcelain or acrylic teeth that look like natural teeth are attached to the base. Both types of dentures need at least two implants for support.

Bar-retained dentures 
— A thin metal bar that follows the curve of your jaw is attached to two to five implants that have been placed in your jawbone. Clips or other types of attachments are fitted to the bar, the denture or both. The denture fits over the bar and is securely clipped into place by the attachments.

Ball-retained dentures (stud-attachment dentures) — Each implant in the jawbone holds a metal attachment that fits into another attachment on the denture. In most cases, the attachments on the implants are ball-shaped (“male” attachments), and they fit into sockets (“female” attachments) on the denture. In some cases, the denture holds the male attachments and the implants hold the female ones.

If you’re in need of an emergency dentists in Melbourne or are simply looking for a good dentist, Melbourne residents should call eDentist today. Emergency dentistry in Bentleigh East is just one of the services we offer. Whether you’re visiting us for an emergency, as a follow up to emergency dental treatment, or you just want to see us during normal business hours, give our Melbourne dentist clinic a call on (03) 9570 5223.

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Check Out Our Happy Dental Patients

We have transformed 70,000's of smiles across Melbourne at our Elwood clinic. But don't take our word for it!

Why Choose Bayside Dentists?

Bayside Dentists, on 163 Ormond Road, is Elwood's most modern dental practice providing all aspects of dentistry at an affordable price. Originally set up to stop people going abroad for dental treatment, we have grown from strength to strength thanks to our many happy patients.

Affordable Emergency Dental Care
Open During COVID-19

eDentist is a well-established, trusted and highly reviewed dental practice on Centre Road in Bentleigh East. We have been serving patients in our family-friendly clinic for over 50 years, specialising in emergency, general and cosmetic dentistry for patients of all ages.

  • Emergency & General Dental Care

  • Cosmetic & Orthodontics Dentistry

  • Dental Implants & Invisalign

  • Wisdom Tooth Extractions

  • 8am to 8pm - 7 Days

    Extended hours for emergency dental appointments

How long do implant retained dentures last?
The implants should generally last for 15 years plus 
What is implant retained denture?
The implant retained denture consists of 2 parts – the implants and the denture. The denture is cleaned and maintained in the same way as a normal denture. The implants are maintained in a similar way to natural teeth
Do you have to remove implant retained dentures?
Usually, a regular denture made to fit an upper jaw is quite stable on its own and doesn't need the extra support offered by implants. ... You should remove an implant-supported denture daily to clean the denture and gum area. Just as with regular dentures, you should not sleep with the implant-supported dentures at night.
Are implants better than dentures?
Dental implants lead to fewer visits to the dentist because they're easier to maintain compared to dentures. ... Also, they feel more comfortable and look more natural than dentures. If you want to feel like you've never lost a tooth in the first place, dental implants are your best option!

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